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What is baptism?

We hold Baptisms (some people call this Christening) for infants and adults and sometimes those in between.  Where a young child is baptised, they are accompanied by parents and godparents who make promises on behalf of the child.  Where an adult or older child is Baptised they make their own declaration that they are are committed to the Christian faith.  Baptisms usually take place in Church at our 10.30 service but they could even take place in the sea!

Baptism is a visible sign of God’s love for us and a means of receiving his help for the Christian life. The Christian good news declares that because of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the way is open for all people to become members of God’s family. We do that by putting our trust in Jesus Christ, and choosing to live God’s way.

Baptism is a sign and seal of this new life in Christ. What happens spiritually when we come to God is illustrated physically by the water.

Baptism also marks a new start: a decision to follow Jesus Christ within the family of the Church.

Whether you are thinking about being baptised yourself, or bringing your child to be baptised, we’d love to talk with you more about this celebration of new life.  Contact the Vicar (Revd Jeff Wattley).

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